Build a Chinese elevator brand

The number of building elevators in China continues to increase, and the elevator industry has a broad market demand. The real estate regulation and control policies in recent times have not had much impact on the elevator industry. Under the multiple stimulus factors such as affordable housing, infrastructure, renewal demand, and renovation and installation of old buildings, the Chinese elevator industry still maintains stable growth.

In the future, with the implementation and promotion of China’s central and western development policies, the share of demand in the northwest and southwest regions will increase, and compared with the first-tier cities, the rapid development of second- and third-tier cities will have greater demand for elevators and flexible mechanisms The Chinese elevator industry brand with outstanding cost performance has obvious competitive advantages in these fields. Enterprises in the Chinese elevator industry should formulate enterprise development plans in light of the actual elevator market demand, and take the lead in the elevator industry market competition by virtue of cost-effectiveness, service, and constantly improving sales network and production location layout

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